Goodbye My Fren
I bid goodbye to a fren who has been with me for 20+ years.
When I was in Beijing, we were at this place to listen to some feng shui thingy. After listening, the feng shui master tok to me and my fren. And he asked me to remove my mole because it is big and it is not doing me any good. So I told him tat when I was a little girl, my mum brought me to those facial places to remove it (just using some cream) but I fell sick for a long time. And thus the mole just stayed there for many years. The feng shui master replied tat happened when I was young, now I grow up liao is a different case.
Well he does not provide any mole removeral services, so he can't be saying tat just to earn my money rite.. and it doesnt do him any gd to bluff me anyway.. thus I concluded that what he said is true. Moreover he is a very famous feng shui master (but I forgot his name liao..). He was invited to come to SG to SAVE Suntec after it was built and opened but yet no biz.. and thus he suggested to haf the fountain of wealth and now Suntec is totally different fr the start~!
I talked to my mum abt it and she is ok with it. She told me tat last year when we were in TW, we were at this feng shui related place too and the guy calculated that I will haf 血光之灾 this year and must be careful. So my mum felt that doing the mole removeral surgery is another way of letting it happen which is gd too la.
Thus I asked my frens Jo and Cyn who had done mole removeral recently for recommendation. Called the aesthetic clinic this morning and made appt. And they asked me to go down today as the next 2 days are full already. And since I'm someone who is impatient and once I set my mind on doing sumthing, I cant wait to do it! And there I was, at the clinic at International Building with my mum in the afternoon.
Dr Ng is a gentle man whose complexion is damn gd and fair la.. well of coz he must look gd if not no1 will believe and trust him right? He said tat my mole is quite big and explained that the risks invovled. There might be scarring.. but most of the cases would not haf.. and since my mole is on the area between my upper lip and nose, and it is big (0.6cm in diameter) so after stitching the lower skin might be pulled up a bit. Other than tat, there shouldnt be any problem.
Since I have set my mind in getting it done, I went ahead with the 20+ minute surgery at the clinic. It was really scary. I lied on the op bed and then they put sumthing on my eyes so tat I cant open them. Then he cleaned my face and inject! OMG! The injection is DAMN painful!!! my tears AUTO rolled down lor.. :'( But after that I dun feel anything at all. Then I feel things poking me but I dunno wat it is. Then next thing I know is I smelt some Chao Ta smell while Dr Ng use sumthing to poke my mole. And then I felt needle and thread and next thing I know is he is stitching already. Everytime he stitch and pull the needle and thread, I could feel my skin being pulled up! haha.
The nurses told the doc tat it is a beautiful job~ :D happy happy~
When it was done, I was still blur blur and din even noe. Dr Ng went off and I wasnt in time to thank him! Woke up and saw bloody cutton bud next to the op bed. SCARY! And then next I saw my old fren lying on a cotton pad. I requested to bring it home as it has been part of me for 20+ years! I saw her grow up, from a small little dot to a big fat one with diameter of 0.6cm which makes Dr Ng kept saying 'your mole is quite big' before and during surgery. haha.
I cant talk too much or luff or smile coz any movement will cause the wound to move and thus bleed. I cant even eat things that are too hard. And for the time being I will need to say no to my fav seafood! and anything tat is black colour.. But I dun mind small sacrifice for a pretty face and lucky future! :P
Just now my mum told me tat my dad and her will pay for the surgery as they are the one who gif birth to a girl with a mole. So funny. Thank you mummy and daddy! :)
Below are some photos of how my wound look like and how my old fren looks nice. Well sad to say but I seriously feel tat my old fren looks disgusting! :x Pls be prepared for some upsetting photos below. You may wish to skip the pictures. :)

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