Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Lubby didn't ask my parents for my hand before he proposed to me. Coz he didn't even know he should do dat. So, he only did it 1+mth after he proposed, after I said yes.

Lubby was very nervous coz he didn't know what he should say. Being a potato, He could say better in english. But my parents speak cantonese.. and their chinese is better than english. So my lubby would need to speak to them in chinese and ask for my hand. Though I have already said yes to him and my parents can't say no in a way, he was still very worried that my parents will say no.

So last Sat, before we went out, he brought a box of 3 cans of abalone and came to ask for my hand. And he succeeded~ :) He was so nervous that my mum told him 不用紧张,慢慢来。haha. In any case, he was relieved after that.

We will only choose our dates after CNY as my parents said that they dun usually ask abt such things at the end of a year. So yah, will do so after CNY.

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