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Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Karate Kid

Didn’t want to catch this movie at first coz I dun really like one of the actors inside. But I have heard so much positive reviews abt it and thus decided to check it out.

Worth my time and money and did not regret watching it.

A funny yet heartwarming movie I would say.

I’m not very sure why, but I cried right at the start of the movie. And though I laughed at some of the funny scenes, yet I cried for many of the scenes too.

I won’t say what are the scenes that made me cry as there are some others who have yet to catch this movie.

But I really cried a lot. Well maybe it is coz that I can actually feel how the boy felt. Coz I was once in a similar position. Just that I was not being bullied anyway.

However, it is really not easy to adapt to a new environment. Especially if you have to start to do so when u are at an older age. The younger you start, the easier you can adapt. I’m lucky that I didn’t start too late and I am already part of where I am now.

If you have yet to watch, you may want to catch this movie. :)