Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, July 06, 2009









其实,我不是一个很有事业心的人。 对我而言,我不想要飞黄腾达,也从没羡慕过身边那些年纪轻轻却已有一番事业的女生。我要的,只不过是一份安定的工作,一份我喜欢、我热爱的工作。我只要三餐温饱、有钱逛逛街、去去旅行就心满意足了。对我而言,什么在几年内升上什么职位,都没关系。就因为这样,我要找到一份我很喜欢的工作,日子才不会难过。




1 comment:

Ming Fung said...

Maybe the new added arrangement has put u out of your comfort zone unexpectedly.

If this is the case, i feel that it is more positive rather than u experience it much later on your own that u no longer have the passion for the job. The new added-on may give you the new job challenge that u may not think otherwise. Of course, i am not trying to paint u a nice picture or doing some hard selling of it.

While it is good to stay in comfort zone, it is not so good for too long while. I feel that the world wun treats u much better just because u are not pursuing your dreams, money, competing with others etc. If u are not moving forward, u are, in fact, having a higher chance of moving backward silently.

It is also positive to think about what u want again. U may not have the answer now but it still worth exploring. Go as far as u can, and when u reach there, u may see further and decide again where u want to go next.

It is not only about reaching the end point(s) but also about learning to enjoy the process / progress, to get to know more about yourselves as u move.

Cheers up :-)